National Nutrition Week 2021: For a Healthy lifestyle
The National Nutrition Week 2021 is observed from 1st September - 7th September every year. The program is initiated to create awareness regarding the importance of health and nutrition. It indicates the prosperity and well-being of human life, as it is very important for every individual to incorporate a healthy lifestyle. By creating this awareness, people get to balance their nutrition and adopt healthy eating habits.
While we have updated with so much technology around us, the basic necessity like a healthy lifestyle remains a question mark. A balanced lifestyle is achieved only when the food has adequate nutrition. To mark a healthy life there should be an intake of adequate nutrition that includes protein intake, vitamins, and less salt intake in our diet. The government has taken into consideration focusing on health and nutrition.
National Nutrition Week 2021- Theme
The theme for National Nutrition Week for the year 2021 is “Feeding smart right from start”. With the pandemic around the country, the government has established programs to initiate awareness by conducting seminars and several camps for the right to nutrition and healthy life.
It is believed that the theme would bring the value of nutritional diet to light for all age groups. The week-long program is subdivided into several other programs like Healthy Khayega India, Good Food Talk Show, and Bharath Premier Quiz, where people from all age groups can participate.
History and Significance- National Nutrition Week 2021
The National Nutrition Week was first marked by the American Dietetic Association(ADA) in 1975. Currently, it is known as the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. It was initiated to bring awareness about the importance of nutrition. During the 1980s, due to the popularity of the campaign, it was extended up to a month. In 1982 the program was launched in India, the government launched the campaign as the National Nutrition Week. It creates an urge to lead a healthy lifestyle and signifies the value of nutrition.
It is believed that a healthy body reflects a healthy mind. Our everyday lives revolve around diet, it is very essential to maintain a well-balanced and nutritious diet. For educating the fundamental principles of nutrition, the Food and Nutrition Board of Government of India celebrates National Nutrition Week emphasizes the proper nutrition intake for human beings. The Indian Government has initiated several other programs to focus on nutritious food, a healthy mind, and a healthy lifestyle
Importance of nutritious food
To maintain a healthy immune system one has to take proper nutrition, as the immune system acts as the defender in our body against diseases. Poor nutrition makes our body prone to such diseases and makes us weaker. To attain a healthy immune system, there must be a well-balanced diet that includes food loaded with minerals and vitamins.
Here are the details of how a portion of good nutritious food can help to boost your health.
Protecting your Immune system

This can be achieved by maintaining a balanced healthy diet, as nutritive food is the key to a strong immune system. It is very important to eat fruits and vegetables that have high amounts of nutritional value.
Management of Weight

To maintain a healthy weight it is important to have a nutritious diet, as it is associated with weight loss. Stay away from unhealthy foods and it is better to snack on nutritious foods. Maintain your weight based on the composition of your body
Strengthening the system

The human body requires essential minerals and vitamins to function properly. By doing this the immune system performs at its peak and can overcome immunodeficiency issues.
Supporting the mental well-being

The food intake reflects your mood. They decide your mental well-being. The nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids and iron can boost up your mood. All the mental related issues are related to your food intake. Nutritious food contributes to your overall well-being in life.
Do’s and Don'ts of a healthy lifestyle
For the betterment of today and tomorrow, one has to live a healthy lifestyle which prevents you from health issues as you age. A simple small change can have big effects in the long run. Let's look into the Dos and Don'ts of having a healthy lifestyle:
- Studies show that people eating breakfast tend to maintain a healthy lifestyle and diet.
- Always eat more fresh and real food that comes in the form of fruits and vegetables.
- Drink plenty of water, keep yourself hydrated throughout the day.
- Regular exercise lowers the risk of heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, cancer, and many more. Always exercise regularly to have a healthy lifestyle.
- Try new activities, Keep exercising both your mind and body frequently.
- Take a break during your working hours. Tied down to your seat may increase the risk of heart disease.
- Never fill your body with toxins, avoid smoking and consuming alcohol frequently.
- Avoid excessive dieting and ending up binging more.
- Do not consume a lot of fast food that overpowers your grocery list. Stop stocking snacks and take healthy food.
- In the present world, stress is binding the manpower more like a slow process but with long-term effects. Distract yourself to have a stress-free life.
- Always have a social life, never isolate yourself from interacting with people.
- Being inactive can lead to several other health problems, the more you are active the less the health problems.
Nutrition - Malnutrition
The basic necessity of mankind towards a healthy life is Nutrition. In every developmental stage of life and to remain active we require a proper diet. There are certain guidelines to promote the idea of adequate nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. But there is one major issue India is facing, and that is Malnutrition.
Malnutrition is the state of unbalanced nutrition levels in the human body. It can be either way like overnutrition or undernutrition. Undernutrition is caused due to lack of sufficient nutrients like proteins, calories, vitamins, and minerals, etc. Overnutrition happens when the intake of calories is more than the required level leads to malnutrition. Malnutrition is very common in young children, making them prone to many other diseases. Malnutrition has to be treated at a very early stage.
The current requirement of Nutrition
India has been ranked as the lower middle income by the world bank. In terms of human development, it has been ranked at 160th among 209 countries. About the total population, 26% in urban areas and 28% in rural areas are estimated below the poverty line. On average, about 2400 Kcal per capita in rural areas, and 2100 Kcal in urban areas. Long-term malnutrition leads to severe chronic related disorders.
Common nutrition Problems
The common nutrition problems are Protein Energy Malnutrition(PEM), Vitamin A deficiency (VAD), vitamin B complex deficiency, Iron Deficiency Anemia (IDA), Iodine Deficiency Disorders(IDD). These are the frequently encountered problems among the communities of rural and urban areas.
Undernutrition can start early during the time of conception. Below are the details of common nutrition problems in children and Adults
Nutrition problem in Children
- Due to undernutrition, about 22% of infants are born with lower birth weight i.e less than 2500 cubic grams, compared to that of developed countries.
- About 43% of children aged below 5 years suffer from undernutrition
- Improper growth in height below 5 years old children is 43%
- 20% of children vary with weight to height ratio.
- The underweight issue in children at 6 months is 27%, and at the age of 24, it is 45%.
- The deficiency of Vitamin A that causes night blindness in children affects at a rate of 0.8% - 1%
- 70% of children are anaemic aged between 6 months to 59 months.
- Iodine deficiency disorder (IDD) leads to 90,000 deaths every year.
Nutrition problem in Adults
- Due to Chronic Energy Deficiency, the BMI of adult men is about 33% and that of women is 36%.
- Anaemia among pregnant women is about 50%, also causes 24% of death due to low birth weight.
- Around 2.2 million people suffer from cretinism, 6.6 million people have mild psycho-motor handicaps and 54 million suffer from goitre due to deficiency of Iodine in food.
- About 10.9% of women have obesity issues and that of men is 7.8%
Food Consumption
Consumption of a healthy diet helps to prevent malnutrition and other forms of non-communicable diseases ( NCD’s). With the production of processed food and rapid urbanization, there is a complete shift in the intake of diet. Mankind is consuming food that is high in calories, fat, sugar, sodium, and energy while not consuming fruits and other whole-grain food.
Age | Vegetable | Fruits | Grains | Proteins | Dairy | Oils | Calories/ day |
Boys/Girls, 9- 13 years | 2 cups | 1.5 cups | 140 gms | 140 gms | 3 cups | 5 tbsp | 1600-2200 |
Adult woman, 31- 50 years | 2.5 cup | 1.5 cups | 170 gms | 150 gms | 3 cups | 5 tbsp | 2000-2500 |
man, 31-50 years | 3 cups | 2 cups | 200 gms | 170 gms | 3 cups | 6 tbsp | 2500-3200 |
Fight against Malnutrition
The massive investment has been made to eradicate malnutrition by the government across various countries. In the year 2016, the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed the UN Decade of Action on Nutrition from 2016-2025. It aims to catalyze the commitment to address all forms of malnutrition. It ensures that people have access to a healthy diet that eradicates malnutrition.
With the varying climatic conditions, the requirement of nutrition value also varies. Nutrient foods are the most important aspect of a healthy lifestyle. The National Nutrition Week 2021 creates awareness among the people to control the issues of nutritious food. The government has raised several campaigns for the betterment of people’s well-being. There are a lot of people out there who lack food with nutrients, these organizations will help the people overcome the problem.
Beyond the concern of leading a healthy lifestyle, malnutrition impacts the social-economic development of the country. There are several programmes battled by the government to overcome malnutrition in the past two decades. Though the progress may be slow, with the help of society and the government, India can end malnutrition.